

Find at least $250,000
of extra value
in your GP Clinic in 5 hours
12-16 september 2022
1 hour a day for 5 days
8 AM ( AEST )

Receive Larger Financial Rewards

Find and Reduce Unnecessary Costs

Create Bigger and Faster Impact

Manage Money in a way to minimise Risks
JOin the 250k GP
treasure Hunt
Register here. Let us know if you prefer an alternate date to join the Treasure Hunt, we will get in touch with you.
Email us - [email protected]

This process really works.
See Our Success Stories
“It was good to have taken time off for myself even though it's work related. A key take away has been to categorize our patients and create processes that will make us all happier at the clinic and increase our profit.”
click to watch

“It’s been a great week. It’s been so refreshing to be in a group of such enthusiastic people who have different ideas of traditionally doing things. We have already held a meeting in our clinic, this is very rare for us. ”
click to watch

“The big thing for me was literally having the ‘focus’ time of the day to rationalize my journey and work on strategic issues. I had a fairly good idea of what I wanted to get out of this and I did get it.”
click to watch

“It made a huge difference. We were taught the exact steps and understood the patterns of what to look for. The exact steps were what I did not know. And, now seeking answers to my questions from people who have already done similar works helps me to save time"
click to watch

"Yeah So, I'm really grateful for the week. I think it's been really good particularly for me as a new owner just to look at the diverse ways to improve the business particularly on the kind of revenue and expenses side."
click to watch

"For me one thing is knowing that there are so many ways that we can actually make a contribution to the growth of the clinic, also not feeling that i'm just by myself someone there to help me. So I took over the clinic two years ago and since then, the person I took over is going to retire."
click to watch

"I've had a great time the last week as well.It's such a nice way to start my day before we think about, you know, clinical practice or going there, seeing patients to start off with. This Community, it's been really, really good."
click to watch

"I think, that's the good thing about Scale My Clinic, is they've got like a, they sort of understand where general practice should be heading, really, and they-ve got, working across a whole lot of practices,on the business side of it,and know what sort of programmers we should be doing."
click to watch

"Sharing with or hearing the perspectives, getting seen how other people's ideas and perspectives can just shift things in and somehow it's being really helpful and their structured approach is a really unbelievable gift from the week."
click to watch

"I'm a new practice owner, five weeks into it in sydney,and we've just been cleaning up and just doing so much renovation in systems and processes, and i think I'd like to join Project X.There's a lot of basic work i can be doing before the strategy is overlaid on top of that."
click to watch

"As you know, I've been toying with the idea for a while, and I find every time I engage with the scale my clinic team I find it unblocks energy in me. I feel motivated and I booked at the cost of course but actually doing the examples one would think..."
click to watch

"One of the challenges I have is,the way my brain works is i look at, oh, that's an interesting thing, and oh, that;s really interesting but have a lot of difficulty with actually following through so i've been shaking my head this week..."
click to watch

"Just echoing what Trish said there,but part of the thing that's kept me quite interested, apart from the fact that you guys energize my day,is meeting the community.So you know, I feel quite isolated with business contacts, ..."
click to watch


To increase your monthly income, you need to add MORE services,
MORE staff, and MORE hours to your medical
We'll explain how you can find at least $250,000 of extra value in your Practice WITHOUT adding more services, staff or hours.
Over just 5 days,
Get QUICK to
- Receive larger financial rewards
- Create bigger and faster impact
- Manage your money in a way that you minimise risk
This Treasure hUNT
Will make you:
- Recognise Cost over Value
- Know Your Numbers
- Discover The Big Easy (Fun Quick Wins)
- Unshackle Yourself from bad (finance) habits.
To participate
- Be a General Practice Owner
- Be committed to excellence and impact in your community
- Be an A-Player - someone that is willing to do what’s necessary without excuses.
- You must schedule and attend live Zooms 1 hour a day for 5 days from Monday 12th September 2022
- AND, you cannot have participated in any of our previous Challenges! - This is a ONE TIME OFFER!
We will personally coach and help you find Additional profit hidden in your clinic
- Doing anything dodgy
- Burning out your team
- Adding new services
Who this is not for:
- Corporate General Practices
- Previous Challenge Takers

You're a heck of a GP.
You provide outstanding healthcare
to your community
But most days, as a General Practice owner, you're so busy putting out bushfires in your business that you sometimes think you should have become a firefighter.
You've made a lot of personal sacrifices and taken on significant risks to positively impact your community.
You want success, and it's not right that you have to struggle alone against a system that does nothing but put obstacles in your way while providing generous funding to less efficient services.
As General Practice owners ourselves, WE GET IT!
That's why we created the 250K GP TREASURE HUNT.
At Scale My Clinic,
We know that you want to develop a winning team that provides outstanding healthcare to your community. On a personal level you would like to get better financial returns for your commitment and maintain a lifestyle that does not force you to choose between personal and professional life.
In order to do that, you need to create an impactful and sustainable business that allows your General Practice to thrive. We believe Clinic owners have made personal sacrifices and taken on significant risk to impact their communities. You deserve success and it's not right that you have to struggle alone against a system that does nothing but put obstacles in your way; whilst providing generous funding for far less efficient services.
We understand; we are General Practice Owners ourselves. We get it. Over many years, we’ve worked closely with other General Practice Owners to create impactful, enjoy improved financial returns and get their time back.

Co-Founder - M3Health and
Co-Founder - Scale My Clinic

Founder & Director - Aged Care GP and Co-Founder - Scale My Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a registration fee?
No, this is a free programme. You only need to make a fully refundable commitment fee of $200 at the time of registration.
Can my Practice Manager attend instead of me?
It is mandatory for the GP Owners to participate, your Practice Manager may join you.
What if I want to leave half way into the Hunt?
We hope you won’t but, should you wish to drop out you only need to let us know.
What if I miss a day?
It’s a Treasure Hunt. If you miss a day you’ll get lost. You have to attend all 5 days.