5 Days to $50k
The Mass Vax Upgrade
06th September 2021
8 AM ( AEST )
At Scale My Clinic we know that you want to get your patients and community vaccinated and protected from the pandemic.
In order to do that, you need to create an impactful and sustainable mass vaccination process that can run whilst allowing your General Practice to thrive.
The problem is that the whole vaccination process has been made complex and confusing by constant mixed messaging. This can leave you feeling stuck and frustrated, your normal business operations impacted and your team feeling frazzled.
We believe Clinic owners have made personal sacrifices and taken on significant risk to impact their communities.
You deserve success and it's not right that you have to struggle alone against a system that does nothing but put obstacles in your way; whilst providing generous funding for far less efficient services such as Government mass vaccination hubs.

We understand; we are General Practice Owners ourselves. We get it. Over the past 8 months, we’ve worked closely with other General Practice Owners to create impactful and profitable mass vaccination delivery in their Clinics.
Here’s how we can help you do it too:
- Join our FREE 5 Day Challenge
- Work closely with us for 1 hour a day for 5 days
- Enjoy at least $50k increased profits and save precious nurse time.
Join our 5 Days to $50k - The Mass Vax Upgrade.
This FREE Challenge will help you to
Eliminate the risk of:
- Team Burn out
- Losing both money and people due to inefficient processes.
- Failing to have the impact you truly can.
Instead, over just 5 days, get QUICK coaching to:
- Create bigger and faster impact,
- Receive larger financial rewards (at least $50k more profit from your vaccinations)
- Revitalise your team
We will personally coach you for 5 days to improve your mass vaccination processes, so that they:
- Become Better and Faster
- Have Less Impact on Your Staff
- Don’t Affect Your General Practice
- Become Way More Profitable (70% margins)

This is a FREE challenge. We will coach and help you find at least $50k in extra profit from vaccinations WITHOUT:
- Doing anything dodgy
- Burning out your team
- Billing other items
- Charging patients
To participate, you MUST:
- Be a General Practice Owner
- Currently be vaccinating
- Be committed to excellence and impact in your community
- Be an A-Player - someone that is willing to do what’s necessary without excuses.
- You must schedule and attend live Zooms 1 hour a day for 5 days from Monday 6 September 2021
Who this is not for:
- Corporate General Practices